Reinforcement of resilience of refugees, returnees and local population in the southern part of Chad
This project created and funded thantks to a partnership with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and The German Federal Ministry of Development and Cooperation, started in September 2014 and will be implemented for 3 years. Aiming at developping resilience capacities in host, refugees and returnees participants the project will promote the development of Income Generating Activities and durable agriculture in the camps and host villages of the Gore and Maro areas.
Objective 1 / Socio-economic integration and resilience
Participants build their socio-economic integration and are better able to overcome an adversal external context. The project will help pariticpants in diversifying their revenue source and building added knowledge and experiences in agriculture and IGAs.
Objective 2 / Social cohesion
Social cohesion is a necessary condition to the improvement of resilience and capacity building. So as to promote cohesion the project helps participants elaborate agreements on natural resources usage, encourage collaboration in IGAs and meet regurlarly with local authorities.
Objective 3 / Food safety
Food safety is ensured through livestock owners support and durable agriculture practices. The project will ensure that participants have access to farmlands, have the necessary training in durable agriculture and have access to prophylactic care for their livestock.